1. What is a Credential?
The WBSA is a sole world’s association for the professional
Business Strategist. It administers a globally recognized,
rigorous, and professional experience and examination-based
professional credentialing program .
Earning a professional credential through WBSA means that one has
demonstrated the appropriate education and/or professional
experience, WBSA credentials are widely recognized and accepted
throughout the world as evidence of a proven level of education,
knowledge and experience in business strategy..2.
What benefits form the designation
Obtaining a WBSA Certification indicates to clients, colleagues
and employers that you possess a level of professional competence
and personal standards objectivity and integrity.
Candidates earning the credential will be internationally
recognized as professionals with the knowledge and experience to
make and implement the important decisions and accomplish the
strategic objectives that enhance business results.
Your WBSA Qualification means you have more opportunities to be
successful boss.
3. How to get Certificate?
Take exam and/or Qualification Accredited
4. Who should be Certified?
Managers, Supervisors
and Bosses;
Small & Medium Business
Trainers, Consultants,
HR Practitioners;
All Sales & Marketing
All who are interested
in business strategy
All who desire to be
boss |